In an in-camera session of Parliament, the Cabinet decides to convene a debate on lettergate.

Prime Minister Imran Khan chaired a meeting of the Federal Cabinet, which decided to hold a debate on the letter gate during Parliament’s in-camera sessions.

According to an inside story from the Federal Cabinet meeting headed by the Prime Minister, it was decided in the meeting that the essence of the cypher message would be presented in-camera.

While criticising the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for holding elections in seven months rather than three, the Cabinet stated that it was the ECP’s job to hold elections in three months, and that the ECP had failed to fulfil its constitutional role.

On the proposal of the legal team, the cabinet agreed to hold parliament’s in-camera session before the vote on the no-trust motion, according to sources familiar with the situation.

During the conference, the legal team suggested that the Supreme Court cannot limit parliament’s constitutional authority.